The Most Experienced And Versatile Groomers in the East village.
Cats or Dogs, Big or Small, We Groom Them All
This is why we have accumulated the most five-star reviews on YELP in all of NYC.

Professional Pet Grooming Services
in Manhattan, NYC
At Unleashed Spa, it is our goal to exceed your expectations.

Certified & Experienced Groomers
We have been in business since 2008, and our groomers are all certified with years of experience. They have the expertise to give your dog or cat a safe, respectful environment while perfecting the cut you request during the consultation.
Client- Focused
We also pride ourselves on having the highest standards regarding customer service, from the receptionists and groomers to the owner; we are readily available to answer questions, concerns, or suggestions. Grooming can be stressful for the dog/cat and owner alike, and we are here to support you throughout the process.